Why Yoga

Be the change you want to see in the world — Mahatma Gandhi

Today the benefits of yoga are globally recognized and have been backed by medical and scientific research.

Yoga impacts many aspects of our health. Some of them are:

Anxiety & Stress Reduction

Apart from improving flexibility, yoga significantly reduces stress that contributes to many illnesses and diseases in the modern world. Anxiety, eating disorders, obesity, depression, sitting for long hours, and hours of screen time can not only affect our physical and mental health but also impact our posture. A newsletter published by Harvard explained that yoga has been proven to show an increase in heart rate variability which in turn helps us cope better with stress.


It is a known fact that yoga helps improve balance and coordination both physically and mentally. A steady balance brings stability, establishes awareness and helps with posture. We can master the art of balancing by paying attention to transitions between poses. It is in this transition that lies our balance! The practice of balance is not only for the elderly but young as well. Balance is not always physical but mental as well. Practice yoga to lead a balanced life!


Sleep. Something which is a natural function of the body seems to have become a struggle in today's world. Lack of sleep and the quality of the sleep can trigger a chain response that can affect our professional and personal lives. Yoga has been proven to help people suffering from insomnia. There are breathing exercises and specific poses that help the nervous system to relax and rest. A good night sleep can do wonders to our over all health. Sleep well and get up feeling fresh!

Boosts Immunity

Yoga boosts our immune systems by reducing stress. The practice in itself helps us eat more mindfully, develop good and healthy eating habits that can help with unhealthy weight loss. It reduces anxiety can lower the resting heart rate. It also circulates more oxygenated blood to various parts of the body, activates lymphatic system which helps releases toxins from the body. It also strengthens the digestive system and relaxes the nervous system. The pranayama (controlled breathing techniques) are a gateway to a robust energy reserve. Let the body be strong and the mind be calm!

Posture correction

Yoga corrects the posture. It allows us grow even in our adulthood! Yoga keeps the spine agile, strong and flexible, in short youthful! Yoga has proven to even help with scoliosis and posture correction in individuals of ages. If you can change your posture, you can do anything - so let’s get tall and confident and practice yoga!

Joint/muscle mobility and flexibility

The practice of yoga helps strengthen our joints and muscles that with age can get weak and less mobile. Yoga can help with osteoperosis and arthritis. It stretches, strengthens and tones the body. It increases the range of motion in various joints and strengthens the muscle groups. As a normal process of aging, we begin to lose muscle mass, bone density, gait and balance. Yoga toughens and nourishes the muscles, making them more agile, flexible and strong.

Increase concentration and memory

Yoga helps with memory in adults and children. The practice creates focus and increases concentration. The movements that are incorporated into the practice specifically increase blood flow to the brain. Forward folding poses like Paschinottanasana (seated forward fold) increase the blood flow to the brain and Surya Namaskars help create muscle memory and through repitition we can establish healthy habits. This practice embeds discipline in our lives

Time management - do more!

When focus increases, the time reduces to do a particular task. Yoga elevates our concentration and focus there by allowing us to do things fast and more efficiently. Time management is the key to success in our personal and professional lives. Often we struggle to complete tasks and are unable to do things we always wanted to. The practice of yoga can physically and mentally make one agile, focused and strong and add more time in our lives. Practice yoga to live life to your full potential!

Get Creative

Yoga can be an effective tool to enhance or explore our creative side. Yoga can release negative energy and channel it into creative energy. The practice opens our hearts and minds and brings about a new perspective in our lives. Whether one is already an artist or not yoga can help us express ourselves in more creative and mindful ways! Teenagers and young adults can really benefit from this practice as they have so much energy but not enough outlets to release this energy in creative ways.

Mind Body Connection

Yoga can help correct and reduce many modern day lifestyle problems as it fosters a better mind body connection and promotes healthy habits. Live a healthy, happy and a sustainable life through the practice of yoga. Yoga is not an exercise, it's a lifestyle practice!